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Bernardo joined us last summer as a Front-end Developer Intern. At first, the plan was for him to stay for just three months during his summer break from his Master’s degree, but here we are in January and he’s now a major contributor to advertio’s success.
We are a team made up of Millennials and we’ve built our company culture based on the drive each of us has to deliver the best possible product to our clients while trying to balance this with our personal lives. So when we welcomed young Bernardo to the team, we were instantly surprised by his motivation and work ethic. Why? Well, if you know Bernardo, you’ll know he loves a good joke and has a strong sense of humour. Yet when it comes to his work tasks, he doesn’t mess around and is also open to learning more and to working as much as is needed.
With that in mind — and having decided to showcase our team more in 2020 — we asked Bernardo how he manages to work, study and have a social life at the same time. In his words, the first three months at advertio were “on the one hand, a time of adaptation because I had just moved to Lisbon and had to change my rhythm to fit the city’s fast pace and, on the other hand, of growth as those three months taught me a lot about myself, allowing me to grow not only professionally but personally. Once summer was over I felt a part of the team and I could see the value of my work in advertio’s latest launch, so I knew I should stay around.”
After that initial period, he decided to stay at advertio and now works as a part-time Front-end Developer, explaining his decision as the result of several factors:
- The team: “I felt welcomed from the beginning and we’ve built a close relationship with each other: helping each other, telling jokes or sharing personal stories.”
- The work culture: “I really appreciate the freedom we’re given in terms of schedules and remote work, which really helps when you’re also studying. Also, because we’re a small team, I really like being able to get involved in other subjects outside front end, such as back end, client support etc, to interact with other areas outside my own.”
- Personal ambition: “As a part of the team, I want advertio to be as successful as possible so I can feel even more fulfilled professionally.”
- Eduardo Vicente: “Eduardo was my internship mentor here at advertio, and his patience and wisdom helped me a lot during the first three months, when he taught me a lot and never left a doubt unanswered.”
- Self-growth: “I’m an introvert so having to do scrum meetings and present my work to the team has helped me overcome some of my shyness and improve my soft skills in regard to communication."

When asked about why he decided to start working while he was still studying, Bernardo says that while studying for his bachelor’s degree he undertook many cool projects, but once they were over most were just another digit in an Excel sheet, without any real application. So when he got to the final year of his Master’s he knew he would have more free time and decided it was time to accept a new challenge.
Lastly, he concludes by saying that balancing a part-time job and a Master’s degree isn’t easy. To be able to do both well, he had to give up some social events, time with his family and a few hours’ sleep, but he also says it is totally worth it. Despite having missed out on a few things, he believes he has gained more than he lost so would do it all over again.
As for the rest of the team, we’re thankful that he did and we’re happy to have him on the team so we can learn all about the latest memes and emotes. We have also all learned something from his experience, as it showed us that with a little determination we can all enjoy a balanced life and still pursue our goals.