Finance might sound boring, but at Leadzai, our finance crew is anything but dull!
This month, we're opening the doors to our Finance Team's world, inviting you to peek into the daily life of Marcos Azeredo, our CFO, and Catarina Pereira, our Financial Assistant. From strategic planning sessions to remote work routines, join us as we find out more about these two individuals' unique experiences and perspectives. Let’s see if they can inspire you with their dedication, commitment and relentless drive to make numbers sing.
From Excel Sheets to Strategy Sessions
Marcos Azeredo, CFO
As the CFO at Leadzai, my best days range from working alone on excel to meeting interesting people - mainly teammates, investors or partners.
At 33, with no kids or pets, I dive headfirst into each day with a lot of energy fueled by a swiss “meia de leite”.
Mornings kick off with a routine that includes bank statements, emails and a thorough planning for the day/week ahead. Now, I can do it all accompanied by my new team member, Catarina. We consist of a large team of 2 (for now)!
My main responsibility is to ensure funding for the company. If cash is king, then I’m a vassal who ensures our king is where it needs to.
But it's not all about cash — far from it! Business is all about people and interacting with others is the highlight of my day. From brainstorming with our team to making sure everyone knows where our business stands at all times, to long debates about the overall strategy of the company. I love to learn new things and see the world from other people’s perspectives and this is the right opportunity to do so.
You can find me in heated healthy discussions about why we should hire someone, as well as challenging some expense investment. My compincha is our head of HR. We have nice (virtual) coffee chats and it’s very pleasant when he agrees with me.
Some people have annoying telemarketing calls during the day, but I don’t because I’m probably already on the phone with Luis. He’s also very pleasant when we are in agreement.
Of course, there are challenges along the way but as it’s often said, “Smooth seas don’t make skillful sailors” and I live by this. The larger the challenge, the more thrilled I get. And every time things get reeeally tough, I know I can always count on a supportive call from Joao, my therapist who tends to solve my problems.
At the end of the day, as the sun sets in Basel, I am reminded that I need to walk my girlfriend because she really enjoys being outside.
If I have the chance, you can find me getting beaten up at Squash or torturing myself in the gym. At night, I go to bed with a big smile on my face because tomorrow I get to do it all over again.

Remote Work Routines and Financial Planning
Catarina Pereira, Financial Assistant
My morning starts every day at 8 am. I shower and then have a quick breakfast: fried egg on some bread and a cup of hot coffee.
I live in Braga and work remotely, so I have my office equipped to carry out my tasks: a computer and a screen, headphones, and a secure internet connection - everything I need to be able to work. However, I sometimes make an effort to leave the house and work in different locations, even if it’s just for the morning or afternoon. I enjoy seeing different scenery and experiencing new places. Remote working can become quite lonely, and even though I’m in permanent contact with my team, I enjoy the hustle and bustle of urban life.
I start my workday by checking my inbox, organising my emails, and seeing if I have any unresolved JIRA tickets. Although the finance team’s tasks vary depending on the time of the month, we need to provide a proper response to the accounting team’s requests, align our plans with them, and prepare for the end of each month gradually. We also keep strong tabs on the monthly invoices and other payments.
We also need to keep track of bank transactions, invoicing, the end-of-month analysis, and other tasks we carry out throughout the month. It can be very demanding, but with good communication and compromise, the work gets done optimally and on time. Part of my day also involves “annoying” my team with doubts since I joined the company only recently. This will change, I promise.
One of my daily tasks is to keep an eye on my 3-month-old French bulldog, Izy, as her favourite hobby is chewing everything except her toys.
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