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Tips on how to use email marketing to your advantage

Email has been around for several decades now and with it came email marketing. Simply put, email marketing is a widely used strategy for sending promotions and useful information via email to your client base.

November 17, 2023
 min read
The importance of content curation

Creating new and original content is an excellent way to promote your brand and increase your online engagement rates. At the same time, it can be a very time consuming task and may require someone on the team allocated to that task full-time.

November 17, 2023
 min read
The importance of Beta testing

The process of Beta testing is extremely valuable when preparing for a product launch as it helps to assure the necessary quality when you release the first version of the product.

November 17, 2023
 min read
The 5 best tips for writing great ad copy

Writing beautiful and efficient copy for ads is not at all easy. It is no accident that some people do it for a living: it requires skill and it is ever more valued, with an increasing share of the digital segment in the advertising market.

November 17, 2023
 min read
Testimonials and reviews – why they matter

Anyone who works for or with a company understands very well that getting customers to trust your business is key to success. The fact that there are a lot of similar brands out there is one of the reasons why transparency and ethical and sustainable practices are gaining ever more in importance.

March 8, 2024
 min read
Setting goals for your content marketing strategy

When you think about goals for a content marketing strategy, one of the things that immediately comes to mind is sales and ways to improve them.As with paid campaigns, where there is the possibility of choosing a campaign goal such as website visits, impressions or sales, content marketing allows marketers to choose a goal to aim for with their content — sometimes not as formal and measurable as in paid campaigns but very important nevertheless.

November 17, 2023
 min read

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