Anyone who works for or with a company understands very well that getting customers to trust your business is key to success. The fact that there are a lot of similar brands out there is one of the reasons why transparency and ethical and sustainable practices are gaining ever more in importance.
The numbers do not lie: customers value reviews and testimonials highly because these reveal transparency and confidence in the service provided by the company. A broad range of people, around 77%, read online reviews before buying, according to
Why do these kinds of statements matter? How should you deal with reviews?

- Authenticity and credibility
Nowadays, almost anything can be rated. This is useful, especially the way it is used on, where the customer rates various aspects of a specific stay, so making it easier to understand the strong and weak points of a business. Nevertheless, it can also have a downside as it is clear that some companies are excessively focussed on reviews, only changing their culture and way of behaving in order to impress customers.
- Engagement with the business
The fact that you can rate a specific business makes you feel like you are part of it, sharing your experience with other users.
This experience is highly valued by some customers, especially when someone from the company really interacts with them. That leads us to the third idea: the importance of responding to the review.
- Answer the reviews
Some businesses do not respond to reviews because it can seem like a time-consuming process, but it is proven to raise customers’ engagement with companies when they do so.
It is important not only to show appreciation when you receive a positive reviews but also to try and understand the reasons for a bad review. If good customer support is provided after a bad review the user will be likely to change it or at least change their opinion on the service provided.
- Social
Reviews on social media are very easy to enable and a powerful source of trust for potential customers.
The fact that there is a star rating is very important, as it is a universal language: everybody can visually understand the value that a customer attributes to the specific business. There is also the opportunity to check the profile of a user who leaves a comment, so as to understand that the person is local, for example.
- Ask for a testimonial
Do not be scared to ask for a review or testimonial; it is a clear sign of confidence in your business.
A simple call to action with the word “review” works well on social media. If you are after detailed reviews why not set up a survey, or even direct contact with the customer?

Bear in mind that some customers may be delighted to be given the opportunity to shoot a video for their favourite brand, explaining the amazing advantages of the product and how it changed their lives — this could be an amazing business opportunity for the company.