With all the ads found on multiple platforms what can be done to stand out? How can companies communicate with their customers and explain that they are different from the competition? How to do all that without spending too much money?
One possible way is by carefully planning your campaigns. Don’t just go about spending big quantities of money on advertising and forget to actually mind the way the ads look.
Writing great text for your ads is an amazing way to appeal to your possible customer.
1. Customize your text
As we said before, this is extremely important when creating a campaign. Don’t write an impersonal piece of text because it won’t capture customers’ attention if they notice it, the same stands for text with a boring headline or with no headline at all.
If you have few words to write use them wisely and stand out from the rest. Understand the necessity that your target market is trying to satisfy, use it to your advantage by customizing your text to them and by explaining how to satisfy a specific need by using your product/service.

2. Write about what you know
Don’t write about topics you don’t know much and write in a simple way. If you start writing about really specific things be sure to share both sides of any given issue. Although imprinting your personal views is important to be careful not to alienate your audience.
3. Use suitable keywords
Choosing keywords is a rather complex process but there are few things to consider when doing it that may simplify the task.
Put yourself in your customer’s shoes, which words would you write on a search engine when in need of your products? These set of words may be useful to consider when choosing your keywords.
Think of different ways how your customer may search for your product in a search engine and try to anticipate his needs. The best moment to reach your potential customers is before they’re even aware of the need.
4. Call to action
Using call to action language or a button is really useful because it has been proved to work.
Simple and short sentences such as “Talk to us”, “Let’s go!” or “Let’s do this!” encourages customers to take action and at least give a try to your ad and learn what it is about.
It’s not mandatory that it leads to a direct conversion, it may be a button that links to a newsletter signing or to your ecommerce store. Even without direct conversion the probability of engaging the customer rises.
5. Don’t use text only
It’s said that a picture is worth a thousand words and it’s not by chance. Using pictures it’s a simple way to create an impact.
If you write text only ads you may reach your target if the people who read them were already really interested in your product and were searching for it. Unfortunately, you can’t assume that because that’s only a low percentage of the people who are going to notice your ad. That’s why using an image draws more attention and is significantly more powerful.

The text you write when creating a campaign should be a focus to capture your customer’s attention. If the text is not good enough the overall advertisement will be compromised.