The reach of each pay-per-click campaign is intrinsically related to how much one is willing to pay. However, choosing the right ad networks to use as well as the right markets to aim for, and other things the advertiser can control, is also key to good performance.
Many small businesses do not have big budgets available to spend with PPC campaigns nor enough know-how to run multiple campaigns. Nevertheless, there are some simple precautions that can be taken to save some money when creating campaigns.

1) Pick the right ad networks
Choosing the right places for your ad to appear after starting the campaign-creation process is really important because different ad networks have different configurations and specificities.
The ad should be as specific to each network as possible. For example, when using Linkedin ads, the copy and images should be aimed at professionals, probably using valuable and engaging content, while when using Twitter ads, you can promote something with a simple tweet. Both possibilities provide opportunities and ways to reach the customer but they are different from each other.
2) Choose the best audience and right keywords
Choosing the right keywords is closely related with Google AdWords or Bing ads and it is not an easy process for someone who does not have any experience with PPC campaigns.
The focus should be on choosing the right keywords for your business that have a lot of traffic and a low cost per click. Google Keyword Planner is useful in understanding and choosing good keywords.
Platforms such as advertio suggest keywords with different scores, which we consider to be the future of advertising, so relieving the user from the complexity of looking for the right words.
3) Write great ad copy
The ultimate objective of a campaign is to reach a specific conversion or goal, whether it be table bookings, phone calls, or even simple impressions. Ad copy plays a big part in reaching this goal.
Ad copy should reflect the goal and aim to generate the highest number of conversions. It is a process that requires time and experimentation to achieve the best results.
4) Place the right ads at the right time
It is extremely important to choose the right time to show the ads to your target audience.
After choosing whom to target an extra effort should be put into choosing the right moment to place the ads. Try different approaches, use data that can be found online about the best hours to post, and place ads always reviewing data from previous campaigns — provided this is not your first or second campaign.
5) Use previous data
We write this frequently because it is one of the main tips for users. If you have data from previous campaigns use it for your benefit.
Companies with marketing success use their own data, as it is extremely helpful and allows advertisers to estimate how much they are going to spend to achieve each goal as well as how, when and where they should advertise to better reach their audience.

The best way to make sure the money you spend in PPC campaigns is well spent is to tailor the ads as much as possible to the market you want to target, using all the tools you have available to do so, as well as keeping in mind the results from previous campaigns.