With its visually captivating interface and expansive user base, Instagram has become the 4th most-used social media platform globally. This popularity supplies small businesses with incredible opportunities to promote their products and services. Among Instagram's many useful features, there’s one that stands out.
Instagram Stories has emerged as a game-changer, significantly contributing to this platform’s growth and success. Since its introduction in 2016, the Stories feature has firmly established itself as a powerful tool for content creators and businesses to understand their customers better. Shortly after, stickers joined the family: these interactive elements allow users to add a touch of creativity to their content and engage with their audience, enhancing their Instagram Stories’ engagement.
Today, we will explore the story stickers that immediately boost your engagement. It's time to dive into the world of stickers and discover their endless possibilities for small businesses on Instagram.

1. Poll Sticker: allows you to ask a question and provide your followers two, three or four customisable answer options. They then select one of the options, and you can see and share the overall results with your community. Polls can be used in many more creative ways. For example, to gather feedback regarding your products (if you’re a restaurant owner, add a picture of a dish and ask if any of your followers have tried it or not), opinions on your store (if you have a hair beauty salon and you’re redecorating, ask to choose the colour your followers think would fit better) or to share curiosities (check out our Did you Know informative posts about AI and Digital Marketing).

2. Question Sticker: enables you to invite your audience to ask you questions about your business. In the box, you can add the issue you would like your followers to write about and then provide answers in text or video. Sharing these can clarify other followers' doubts and satisfy their curiosity. The most popular way of using question stickers is with Q&As, but you can also get creative and use them to create buzz around brand news if you wish. For example, if you’re refurbishing your store, you can call on your followers to guess which colour you picked for the new decor or, if you’re launching a new product, ask them what they think it is.

3. Emoji Slider Sticker: this lets you add an emoji slider to gather opinions or ratings from your audience in a photo or video. This sticker’s most useful feature enables changing the background colour and the emoji slider to better fit your image, video or the content’s intention. Another unconventional but quite popular way of using sliders is presenting them vertically and adding numbers next to them to make people rate your products.
For example, if you have an Italian restaurant, you can add pictures of your pizzas and ask people to use the slider with a heart to rate their favourite. You can also add numbers to the slider to more accurately understand how much people enjoy that product. After the reactions are in, sum up all the votes and reveal your community’s favourite pizza flavour. You can use this example with any industry, product or service: flowers and plants, travel destinations, dance movements, musical instruments, workout exercises… you name it!

4. Quiz Sticker: This tool allows you to create multiple-choice quizzes for your audience. Like with the emoji slider sticker, you can change the box header colour to better fit your background. You can add questions and customise answer options so viewers can select the answers they think are correct. Providing the correct answer allows the business to show off its expertise, which leads to authority building.
For example, if you are an English teacher, you can ask questions about grammar, idiomatic expressions or vocabulary. If you teach music, you can add videos with musical scales. By providing your audience with the correct answers, you will help them improve their understanding of the issue you’re focusing on, which, in turn, fosters a sense of trust and credibility in your brand, positioning you as an expert in your industry.
Do not confuse the Quiz sticker with the Poll sticker! Users sometimes use quizzes to ask for opinions, which misleads the audience into thinking their answer is incorrect. Polls are a more subjective sticker, indicated to ask for opinions and feedback. Quizzes are more objective since they are used to engage while providing accurate information about a specific theme.
Now that you're armed with this knowledge, it's time to unleash its potential and instantly increase engagement for your small business on Instagram. Get creative, ask questions, gather opinions, and showcase your expertise with these interactive tools. It's time to captivate your audience and take your small business to new heights on Instagram. And remember: if you're looking to leverage the power of Instagram to grow your business, you can always rely on Leadzai to assist you in achieving your goals.
Happy sticker-ing!