Updating the design of the advertio app — Diana’s experience

At advertio, we have always known the importance of good design for our app’s success and that’s why we are constantly working on improving and updating our UI.

October 18, 2023
 min read
Understanding your customer’s journey

As we’ve mentioned before, knowing your customers is very important. If you want to advertise online you should know who your potential client is, their habits, age, gender and even some personality traits. Only that way will you be able to craft the right message and place it in the right communication channels.

October 18, 2023
 min read
Understanding the different generations

Earlier this week we shared a post on our social media on how Generation X spends more time on their smartphones than Millennials, which may be a surprise for many people. That is to say that people aged between 38 and 53 are spending more hours on their phones than those aged between 22 and 37.

October 18, 2023
 min read
Tips on how to use email marketing to your advantage

Email has been around for several decades now and with it came email marketing. Simply put, email marketing is a widely used strategy for sending promotions and useful information via email to your client base.

October 18, 2023
 min read
The role of advertising in the crypto market

How are the concepts of advertising and cryptocurrencies related and how may these concepts affect one another? If you are online and are not the proud owner of an adblocker it doesn’t take much time to realize the recent advertising focus on the crypto market.Cryptocurrencies such as the well-known Bitcoin increased their value in an exponential way creating a lot of success cases, especially among people who are tech savvy.

October 18, 2023
 min read
The role of AI in Digital Marketing

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is changing many things, one of them is the world of digital marketing as we know it. The best solution is to understand the resource and take advantage of it, instead of rowing against the tide.To begin 2018 in an amazing way we are going to help you understand the role of AI in digital marketing.

October 18, 2023
 min read

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